Tuesday, July 1, 2008

My Story with Powerbuilder


Me & Powerbuilder...

I have been using Powerbuilder for quite sometime since version 5, 8, 9, 10.2 and now 12.1
Well, i am not an expert in Powerbuilder but i just love PB (yup it's a rapid application development -RAD language). For me, i'm just another regular PB programmer. Now i am using PB with Appeon 5, (2011 - now Dec.2012)

These are some of projects i involved/done since i knew Powerbuilder :

1. Attendance System
2. Student Information System
3. Staff Information System

4. Dynamic MenuTree and Security Level Access
5. University Account System
6. Student Account System
7. Budget Information System
8. Vehicle Booking System
9. Bla bla blah...

I will upload my codes in Powerbuilder, SQL from time to time, if have time :)
All the codes are either inspired from my experience or of course PB examples,community,etc. doesn't represent PowerBuilder or other application(s), company or such as if mentioned in this blog. The script maybe correct and it could be errors. I am using it as reference and for sharing.


1 comment:

Alwizbme said...

Yo wussupp...

Welcome to the world of blogging... looking forward to you entries..

Have fun.