Monday, January 18, 2010

Enable/Disable column editing in datawindow in rowfocuschanged script

//in rowfocuschanged event in datawindow, write this
long ll_budget
if currentrow > 0 then

ll_budget = this.getitemnumber(currentrow, 'expense')
    if ll_budget > 0 then
        this.object.kod_vot.protect = 1   //kod_vot is your column_name
        this.object.dasar.protect = 1       //dasar is your column_name
        this.object.kod_vot.protect = 0
        this.object.dasar.protect = 0
    end if
end if

//this will disable editing if ll_budget is greater than 0 and enable editing if it is zeroin other way you can always do this in datawindow expression.
go to protect expression for the particular column then code this :-

if (budget > 0, 1, 0)

//means when budget value greater than 0, 1 = to protect (disable column edit) else 0 = enabled column edit.

To Enable/disable Editing on new/existing row in datawindow

 //In your datawindow write this code in your column property, in ->General->protect
if (isRowNew(), 0, 1)
//this will enable editing on newrow and disable editing on existing row

//write code in each column to enable/disable editing for a row...
//you can put other conditions like calculation such as

if (columnname = 'Admin', 0, 1)

Having in Select Statement

 // working sample from one of my project that using HAVING select statement...
from p_main a, p_semasa b, p_star c, p_pihak d
where a.KOD_PEKA = b.KOD_PEKA (+)
and b.SEMASA is not null
and to_char(b.TKH_SEMASA, 'yyyy') = '2009'
and a.KOD_PIHAK = d.KOD_PIHAK (+)
having  (count(to_char(b.TKH_SEMASA, 'yyyy')) between c.mula and c.AKHIR)
group by a.KOD_PEKA, d.PIHAK , c.BINTANG, c.MULA, c.AKHIR
order by a.KOD_PEKA

Thursday, January 7, 2010


//like this also can... thanx to iMohaja

select a.kod_vot, a.NAMA6, a.sumamaun, decode(b.amaun,null,0,b.amaun) amaun,
        (decode(b.amaun ,null,0,  (b.amaun/a.sumamaun)*100)) as perc
    (select (decode(sum(k.AMAUN), null, 0, sum(k.AMAUN))) as amaun, k.KOD_VOT, substr(k.KOD_PROJEK,5,2) as ptj
    from projek_kew k
    where substr(k.KOD_PROJEK,1,4) = :thn
    group by (substr(k.KOD_PROJEK,5,2)), K.KOD_VOT) b,
    (select s.KOD_VOT, w.NAMA6, SUM(s.AMAUN) AS SUMAMAUN, s.PTJ
    from budget s, kiobsb w
    where substr(s.KOD_VOT,1,2) = w.OBAM||w.OBSB
    and s.PTJ = :ptj
    and s.THN_BLJ = :thn
    GROUP BY s.KOD_VOT, w.NAMA6, s.ptj) a
a.KOD_VOT = b.kod_vot(+)
and a.PTJ = b.ptj(+)
order by 1